The president of the function, honorable chief guest, my beloved teacher, and dearer and nearer students. Today I am going to speak in favor of Banning TV is necessary for the student's prosperous future.

I know that TV is the fastest source of communication It provides us variety of knowledge but Swami Vivekananda said," Once easily get may be easily lost" So students should study hard of acquiring knowledge. Apart from this, the students are become lazy and waste their precious time in watching cartoons because of some serials they got the bad views like smoking and drinking.

After their school or college hours, the students prefer to sit before the TV instead of going to the ground. As a result of all this, they are unable to be healthy. They are facing various health problems. Many of my fellow students are TV addicted. They watch TV. up to late at night and so unable to get up and reach on time to school.

The elder persons in the family are the supporting pillars of our life They are the source of spirited guidance to us but we are not ready to come in contact with them and so doners get any clue and guidance from them.

In the olden days, our ancestors didn't have T.V. so they came together at night. They shared their thoughts of each other and felt

happy. If they were able to live happily without TV so why shouldn't we? We must ban TV. for a peaceful mind. We must ban TV. from today for a weekend and see the desired effects.

We should ban T.V. for a week (Against)

Respected guests and all my dearer and nearer. Just now my friend has delivered a speech on we should ban TV. for a week. I think it is nothing but going away from real sources of knowledge Now a day the world is becoming one only because of TV We can understand every news from the different corners of the world only because of TV. we can keep ourselves updated only because of TV. We can collect current. knowledge for competitive examinations through TV and then after my friend said that we should ban TV. How do you feel after listening? TV should not be banned. Science has gifted us with useful as well as precious inventions which we call TV We are thinking about its disadvantages first. I know that each coin has two sides but we should think positively and acquire benefits from T.V.

The informative programs related to education are telecast on TV for our sake. We get a variety of knowledge through discussions and news. We can understand the world better because of TV We learn about the different cultures of various countries. We can communicate the good things because of TV. for others. Instead of banning TV, it should be used properly because all programs and serials are not bad. Avoid bad and accept well for your prosperous future and be happy. I think TV is boon to mankind so don't think of banning it. We must not ban TV