Respected president of the function, honorable chief guest,headmaster, teachers and my dear friends. Today, I am going to deliver a speech on my role model Dr. Kalam, the president and renounced scientist Dr A.P.J. Kalam was born. On 15th Oct 1931 at ameshwaramin Dhanushkodi, Tamilnadu to a working class, Muslim family.

Despite of economical problems, with great and continuous efforts this man achieved greatest post of India. This is the victory of Indian democracy A religion and society which is always suspected because of its illiteracy, immodesty, rough and terrorist activities cannot become obstacles in his glorious path. I heard his name firstly in the period of Pokhran-nuclear blast. But I do not know anything more about him at that time.

When Dr. Kalam became our president I became eager to know more about him. Some articles about him slowly pulled me towards him and I got my real hero, the role model of mine! Now days, TV and other Medias focus on sport and film personalities too much and tries these personalities to be youth's role model. I give respect to sport and film persons but I am really attracted to the most

"crystal clear" Personality in India that is "Dr. Kalam." My Ideal hero had shown to the world that a man can do anything if he has full faith in himself As he was from many things with firm determination he surpassed all the obstacles and in the 1970 s. he became the project leader of the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) in the department of space and this gave him opportunities in scientific field. His work in this field made him. "The missile man of India. The successful launch of "Agni" and blasts in May 1998 made him the role model for Indian youths and many learned people.

His great achievement in nuclear physics did not affect his nature. Generally, the person in this field is thought to be a serious one. But our president's most peculiar thing is that he likes the children most and likes to spend time with them. Kalam always focused to his work and believed in youth power and its utilization. He says that we can prosper our nation with the development in agriculture, power, education, health, information technology and the strategic sector. With the improvement and glorious success in these various fields our nation can prosper to be my role models India in 2020 1.e. his vision & ideas of IMM- 2020.

He is also interested in poetry and writings His autobiography Wings of Fire' (Agnipankh). Speaks about his ideas about the will power and his great efforts and his open hearted character. He loves to read, playing Veena, reciting Bhagvad Gita According to me, DR. APJ Abdul Kalam is the Himalaya for every

youth of India. This is the only person in India to whom every youth would like to imitate and become like him the great dreamer, struggler, challenger and an achieverAbdul Kalam is a hero which makes youth to be confident and provides belief that -

"Victory is Sure" Victory is ours !! Thank you! Jay Hind! Jai Maharashtra.